Camera technologies and features can sometimes distract beginning photographers from what is really important. I was always comforted in knowing that there were really only a few things, that actually affected the appearance of pictures made in my film camera. This is why manual film cameras with only five adjustments or choices (shutter speed, aperture, focal length, focus, and film choice) can make a picture equal in quality to a camera with a multitude of automated features. Automated features automate the setting of these primary camera adjustments (e.g. auto focus and auto exposure modes) but they will only technically improve your pictures to the degree that they increase your chances of getting the shot you want. So given an equally sharp lens and the same film, you can potentially make equivalent pictures with either a fully manual camera like the Nikon FM10 ($320) or a fully automated camera like the Nikon F6 ($2450). Knowing all of this, beginning film photographers on a budg